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Booth 707

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About the Artist

My mom loves telling the stories of how I used to draw all over the walls when I was a kid. And when she got me away from the walls, I would find a way to draw all over my legs. Eventually, I started drawing on paper. I also played a lot outside in the marshes in Virginia Beach. I started drawing all the fish in the Chesapeake Bay, turtles, snakes, and various critters that crawled in our backyard. Virginia Beach wildlife continues to be where I draw my inspiration I started doing drawings for friends and family in high school and college. During college, I decided to pursue being an exhibiting artist in shows around the area. When Covid hit, I finally had time to really focus on creating larger works. The first drawing submitted in this application was my Covid quarantine project. He is a 2 feet long drawing of an octopus named Hoolio. He was drawn on multiple sheets of paper that were mounted together onto one panel of wood to create his overall image. Working on this piece solidified my process of creating my artwork. I primarily use Prisma color pencils for my drawings, but I've explored using many other brands like Caran 'd Ache, Derwent, and Faber Castell pencils. Once I'm done drawing, I use an Xacto knife to cut the drawing out. The wood is primed and spray-painted before the cut-out is glued down. Lastly, I do several layers of protective coats of acrylic and/or resin.

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Selected Works

Selected Works Thumbnails

Color Pencil on Spray Painted Background

20" x 22" x 1"


Color Pencil on Spray Painted Background

20" x 22" x 1"

Donni Turtleman 

Color Pencil

1" x 14" x 1"

Donni Turtleman

Color Pencil

1" x 14" x 1"

Peanut The Elephant 

Color Pencil

28" x 12" x 1"

Peanut The Elephant

Color Pencil

28" x 12" x 1"

Jose the Octopus 

Color Pencil

18" x 24" x 2"

Jose the Octopus

Color Pencil

18" x 24" x 2"


Color Pencil on Spray Painted Background

20" x 22" x 1"


Color Pencil on Spray Painted Background

20" x 22" x 1"

Donni Turtleman 

Color Pencil

1" x 14" x 1"

Donni Turtleman

Color Pencil

1" x 14" x 1"

Peanut The Elephant 

Color Pencil

28" x 12" x 1"

Peanut The Elephant

Color Pencil

28" x 12" x 1"

Jose the Octopus 

Color Pencil

18" x 24" x 2"

Jose the Octopus

Color Pencil

18" x 24" x 2"

Kayleigh Willis - Festival Artists - Tephra ICA
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